Stjörnu spjallið

Stjörnuspeki veðurspá vikunnar 15-22 september, nýtt tungl í meyju og stjörnuspá #5

Jara Gian Tara Season 1 Episode 5

Í þessum þætti förum við nýja tunglið í meyju og yfir orku vikunnar sem er framundan.
Ég tala aðeins um Venus sem morgun stjórnun og enda svo á stjörnuspá þar sem ég fer yfir hvað þetta nýja tungl og tungl mánuðurinn framundan þýðir fyrir hvert merki fyrir sig.

(00:00) Velkomin í stjörnuspjallið
(01:59)  Venus sem morgunstjarna
(11:03) Nýtt tungl í meyju
(16:45) Laugardagur 16 september
(17:52) Sunnudagur 17 september
(20:26) Mánudagur 18 september
(21:26) Þriðjudagur 18 september
(22:04) Miðvikudagur 19 september
(22:27) Haustjafndægur og fimmtudagur og föstudagur
(26:40) Breytingar á rafsegulsviði jarðar meira um lok vikunnar

(30:00) Stjörnuspá fyrir merkin og nýja tunglið í meyju
(31:01) Hrútur
(33:47) Naut
(36:05) Tvíburi
(38:37) Krabbi
(40:15) Ljón
(42:01) Meyja
(44:05) Að læra af Merkúr retrograde
(44:29) Vog
(47:12) Sporðdreki
(48:41) Bogamaður
(50:30) Steingeit
(51:25) Vatnsberi
(53.37) Fiskar 

Hér er það sem AI hafði að segja um þáttinn. Mér fannst það svo fyndið að ég ákvað að hafa það með. 

Kannski ég ætti að semja lagið Stjärvdnusblogglar? 
Hvaða bardagi var þetta í Madrid og hvað er málið með þetta bláa hús?
Svo margar spurningar...
Takk AI? 🤷🏼‍♀️

"Come, join me, Jara Gijantara, in an engrossing exploration of celestial mysteries and the philosophies they inspire. As we dissect the intricate meanings behind my latest song, Stjärvdnusblogglar, we will journey from Venus to the Moon and the Sun, detailing how their movements shape the night sky and our lives. There's a story to be shared about a memorable fight in Madrid, and the lessons learned throughout that experience.

We'll also wander into the realm of science, discussing Earth's intriguing heights, the chaotic beauty of art, and the fascinating worlds of Naptonus, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto. Picture the Tunglish Portrait, a societal symbol of progress and forward-thinking. We'll take a detour into an interesting phenomenon: pink growing oranges during the joyous fourth of May. This episode takes an in-depth look into the impact of these celestial bodies on our lives, the beauty of our natural world and the power dreams hold in shaping our reality.

The power of Jupiter, the magic embedded in language, and the influence of societal structures are all on the table. And it's here we'll discuss how these elements shape our world and relationships. I'll share my thoughts on the ‘blue house,’ a significant symbol, and how mathematical principles subtly influence our daily lives. And before we say goodbye, I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your support and invite you to connect further on Facebook.

Ég býð upp á einkatíma, leiðsögn og námskeið í stjörnuspeki, hugleiðslu og fleiru.
Þú finnur allar upplýsingar um það á heimasíðunni minni:

Viltu vita meira um Júpiter merkið þitt? Það sem færir þér gleði?
Þú getur sótt meiri upplýsingar um það hér: Jupiter Joy! (á ensku)

Þá ferð þú líka á póstlistann minn þar sem ég sendi út upplýsingar um viðburði sem ég held og stundum eitthvað annað þegar andinn grípur mig.

Hér getur þú búið til stjörnukortið þitt:
Hér er önnur frábær stjörnuspeki síða:

Komdu líka endilega og heilsaðu upp á mig á samfélagsmiðlunum mínum!

Instagram: @jaragiantara


TikTok: @jaragiantara


Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to the Stjärvdnusblogglar. My name is Jara Gijantara and I am the director of the Stjärvdnusblogglar. Today I am going to talk about the new song I am working on. What is the reason behind the Stjärvdnusblogglar? The reason behind the Stjärvdnusblogglar is that the Stjärvdnusblogglar is the main song, so you don't notice the reason behind the Stjärvdnusblogglar. The reason behind the Stjärvdnusblogglar is the main song. I am talking to my wife about the solo return, the solo return card, a card that is a very short card. I don't know. I am just going to make a final note of the song. I would like to talk about a friend, a friend I'm a French friend, friend of the morning star, who I met last week. I think it was my friend. A friend of the morning star. She is a striker. She is more aggressive. She is more like a striker in the slag. A friend of the morning star, a friend of the evening star. She is the striker, a friend who is more aggressive. With friends. The striker gets angry and is lying down. That is a friend of the evening star, a friend of the morning star. The star is not that aggressive. She doesn't want to hunt down the smoke that's in a friend of the morning star. She is still in the mood to go back out, but I know that you are coming to Venus in the morning time. Venus in the morning is the journey of Venus to the moon and the sun. If you see the moon in the morning, the sun will be right in the sun. Venus in the evening is the journey of Venus to the moon right after the sun sets. Venus is always so close to the sun, but always the same time. The sun sets in the evening and the sun sets in the evening. It is right before the sun rises and then it is in the morning. The night time in Venus is the morning time and the night time in the morning. There is so much to say about the map. It is something that is so beautiful that you can see. The night time is the night time, the night time is the day. It is always the same time. The reason for the night time is that people are looking for the room light for the next 2000 years, the light that was there when people were first, the light that was there when thinking and thinking about something else that you could do and what you could see in the sky. The light that people took after was the night time in the morning. It was always the same time the night time, the night time was the night time. It was so beautiful that people were looking for the room light. The room light is the night time in Venus. The night time in Venus is the night time in Lucifer the night time in Lucifer. The night time in Venus is the night time in Hersperus the night time in Lucifer and Hersperus. Now we are in the house where the morning time in Venus is.

Speaker 1:

I was prepared for what to start. I just wanted to go out and go out to the house. The house is the morning time in Venus. I just wanted to go out in the house. What is the best place to start the fight? I just wanted to go out and fight the 9th fight. I will write the story of the 9th fight. Although we haven't had to use night time in the morning period, what was the best place to fight it in the evening? It was nice to go to the house for the Darine night time the night time in the evening, in the morning, in the morning, in spatial sight.

Speaker 1:

What was your usual ant preparation of the fight? I was born in the 7th century. I did that after I was born and I was married in the morning. Everything was fine, everything. I started to do everything I could when I was in the early home. I was in the blue family, I was in the French family and that was when I was married.

Speaker 1:

But right after I started to do everything, I was born in the 9th century, the biggest fight of the type of marriage. Then I was married to a friend of mine and the friend who said she was and the friend who said she was working for a long time and was working for a day, a night and a night. It was on Friday. So I was like, ok, I'll be around, it's not 50-50,. I'm like 12 years old, but this was about me. I was 40, 50, 60 percent and I allowed myself to go. It was all easy.

Speaker 1:

What I came to? It was nearly 100 percent. It was nearly 100 percent, like the friends in the morning. When the fight started, it was almost 100 percent. It was almost 100 percent. The fight started for me. I was always in the middle of the fight. I had to come to the studio. There was always a lot of fighting and I had to take notes of the fight. Then I was fighting with a friend who was in the morning fight with three favorite teachers and I thought I'd like to be a night fighter. And then I started to work together and Google the most night fighter sons. They were the most important night fighter sons and that was not all we had done. It wasn't, when the fight started, 100 percent like, but it was a lot more. It was almost 100 percent like. I was fighting in the morning fight and then I was in the morning fight, not the night fight. It was natural. The last week a lot of big fighters fought in Morocco and I think that's now Friends in the morning fight.

Speaker 1:

Now, when you see friends in the morning fight, you don't know what is the cause. What is the cause? Are you here to fight Friends in the morning fight now? Are you in the air now? Are you here to see people in the city to learn about the fight and then you can just get into the fight and the fight is just the most extreme form of fighting. So now friends in the morning fight are almost half-an-hour. What I want to know is she is in the morning fight, people are more in the air, people are more in the air. And what is the cause. And what is the cause? To let the people know where they are to think about where they are. What is the cause of the fight? And what is the cause? Because in the fight there is a real reason that we let the fight go and we don't want to fight instead of thinking we can be more careful. And because we are ourselves in the fight, we can be more careful and friends in the morning fight. In the morning fight and say you are in your life. And that is the reason I think that we let the fight go.

Speaker 1:

I was scared by the 16 years I was older, that I was not curious of what was going on. I did understんで and started looking for a тебе, isn't that true? The fire mark was spread. I was in a spa for the last week and three days a week. That was probably the case, but I didn't mind. It was fun to be so right about yourself. I was in the spa. I was in the room for a while. I was very stressed about the situation. Feeling absolutely right about what went wrong convinced me that my size was not the only thing. I wanted to know where that could happen. Yeah, things like that were very uglier Something I find fun of being able to continue, to continue in the way I could have looked shamefully in the past. I don't know about the moon, but we can find it in the open and beautiful sky. I think I'm so much fun, we find it so much fun. I don't know, maybe I'll let you know now, maybe I'll start a week ago with the moon, but then I'll come back to the moon in a bit.

Speaker 1:

Today is a very heavy day in May and it's the most important thing to do today, and the same is true for the people who are on the moon. The people who are on the moon know, and the people who are on the moon are right, and the moon is in May today, so it's 6 o'clock and it's very heavy in the morning and it's very heavy in the morning and it's all dark. The moon is there, the people are there and Jupiter is the right one. Yes, this new heavy thing is a bit scary, it's in May, but it's the most important thing for the night. It's a bit dreamy. It's like it's dreamy, it's mystical, it's unfair and the night is coming to play and then we want to live in the light of the moon. May is not a good time for the light, it's the fish, or the night is the best time for fish with Jupiter, but it's the night of the night and it's very heavy and we want to live in the light of the moon, which is more like a ship, structures with the plan, the people's plan, the skin, which is all these lights. And what we always do when we do all the main things is not the light of the moon, it's half dark, it's dark. It's not a good time to do all the main things, it's not like we just live and it's not like we do anything good and then, if we don't do the main things, we don't know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Is the moon possible and the earth not? My personal strongest point is the moon is not possible. It's that all the people. There's always fun as long as you don't know it, and then it doesn't stop. To give the people the freedom to relax. The parents are the people and the people are the people. Give them the freedom to be the people, who are the people, and one of the things I find most interesting is the height of the earth. Is the earth welcome? And the earth is welcome, but I don't know if this is the most welcome thing, that someone is going to relax or the feeling that we give ourselves to be the people. Welcome people. That's not the best thing to do. Usually the earth is decorated with escaping and stages has sand��ins and blood.

Speaker 1:

I sometimes I actually don't know what to say about this. My heart, impatience starts right away. It's pink and it's black and it's black. It's black on the outside and black on the inside. Black is. I don't know what black is, but black is, black is. It's a very different color than black, like chaos in the painting. Everything is in my mind, my mind, is chaos. Yes, it's chaos in black. Like chaos. Black and white. It's like black is.

Speaker 1:

It's just like a shift in the sense of the word. It's not like it's a circle from the back. It's like a circle from the back. It's like a shift in the sense of the word. It's like a circle in the day and the circle is in the middle. The sun, and the sun is in the middle. The middle is in the area with the naptonus. In the long term it's the only thing that's more difficult than the naptonus area. But, yes, the idea of the word and the blood is made differently. The word is very important. Blood is dangerous and it's dangerous. We're friends with everyone. So big, big, big, big words, the word blood, naptonus All three of them are all effective in the naptonus they say that it's not like the big words that start with something and then you have the team. You can see the pinpoint that.

Speaker 1:

I was in the circle with the naptonus in May. I was three years old and it was the biggest napton. So it's a lot of shaving and after I started shaving, I started shaving. I was about nine years old and it was about a quarter of a year. I was three years old and I was three years old. I was just shaving. I found the mark but, yes, in the morning it was the most difficult place in Mars and the sun in the area with the naptonus. It's a bit of a rave mark, but rave marks are all necessary. People can be so enthusiastic, they can be passionate.

Speaker 1:

It's the most difficult place in Mars, but it's difficult for me in the middle of the forest and Mars in the forest is just a little bit of a mess. It's a struggle element in Mars. It's not a problem in Mars. It doesn't know what to do. When it's in the forest. It's always like a penis open in the guest. It's the most difficult place in Mars. It's a magnet open in Mars. It's fun to have a person with a problem right after me. I have a new problem. I can't be in the hell of it. I can't be in the society, I can't think of it. So the sun in the area it's the most exciting place in Jupiter and the most exciting place in Pluto. It's both a bit difficult. It's the most difficult place in the universe. It's the most difficult place. It's the first big, exciting place that Venus is doing, after being the most difficult place.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what to do next. Jupiter and Venus are big, big planets and there's a thought, but it's not the most exciting place. It's a bit good. It's not as easy as it seems, but I don't know what to do next. I don't know what to do next. Maybe I'll come down and ask what's my money for the future? Maybe I'll help with my painting. I don't know what to do next. I don't know what to do next in the future. I don't know what to do next. Maybe I'll help with my painting. I think I can do better myself. I mean it. I can do better with my money, but then I can come and get my money back. When I can stand with them, I can do better. I think I can try to come and stand in a place where I can see the point of practice. That's the bottom line. I can come and stand.

Speaker 1:

The most exciting thing about Pluto is that it's that. It's it's a very exciting, exciting, exciting place. Pluto is, of course, a retrograde, coming after the stings, and it's very exciting because it's a little bit heavy and Pluto in stings is. It's a little scary. It's a little bit scary. It's not magic, it's not. It's not a thing. It's not magic. It's not magic. It's better to do better in society, in a society where you can do better in order to stand with them, and then you have to choose to do better in order to stand with them, to be back after and to be happy, because it's like a human being with a head in a monster that is long gone. So that's the Tunglish Portrait.

Speaker 1:

Next week, the Tunglish Portrait begins and Monday and Tuesday, everyone is preparing for the Tunglish Portrait. It's always like that. The Tunglish Portrait is just. The Tunglish Portrait is just a little bit of a struggle in the Tunglish Portrait. The Tunglish Portrait is a little bit of a struggle in the Tunglish Portrait. It's like it's Exciting.

Speaker 1:

Tunglish Portrait is a very different place with both worlds and oceans. It's it's a very different place with both worlds. There's Tunglish Portrait, tufed Tungli. There's the most beautiful and most beautiful places with both worlds where the oceans are the only structures. It's a very different place with both worlds. And Tuesday there's a very different place with both worlds and oceans. It's just a dreamy vibe and it's like it's quite chaotic. It's like a very different kind of life and it's different from Tuesday, the 19th of September. It's like a different time for a bit of a mystery and it's a bit of a big, different, different time for a bit of a mystery and it's a bit of a mystery. It's a bit of a plus and a minus the 19th and that's it for today. The Tunglish Portrait is very beautiful and it's the most exciting thing about the Tunglish Portrait. It's like After it's a bit of a mystery to me. It's all nice to find out to your friends, to let them do it, but I don't know if they're doing it on their own. It's a bit different. It's a dreamy, different, chaotic.

Speaker 1:

And Thursday, the first day when you're at the first day, when you're in May, you're in the 23rd of Saturday. It's a holiday, that's. It's the fourth most exciting day of the year. It's the day before the event and it's so, it's so nice to be there. It's the beginning of the week, the next week, the first day when I'm talking to you. It's the beginning of the week of the 9th of May. And then we have the pink growing orange in the autumn leaves. It's very powerful, very exciting.

Speaker 1:

It's a day to say goodbye to the people, to see the beautiful leaves. We have to let the light of the morning light up. It's the light we're bringing to the sun. It's the main place, the sixth most exciting day in Iceland. It's the one that's. Really, if you're thinking about the main thing, you can't just. It's just that it's looking up at the smallest of the day and then it's going down. And this time the time to say goodbye to the people. We're thinking about the people and if you don't remember the first song, then we'll think about the first song, or the first song that's not released yet. It's the autumn day and then we'll have to think about it. We have to think about our own song and to get into the place for the new and for the new. Then we'll have more world-class songs with more excitement.

Speaker 1:

And we have been friends for a long time and in the past we have been very similar. But it is like that, and the first day, if you like the music that I do it is both the first day and the second day. It is also similar to the last day. If you like the music that I do, the first day is the day after the day of the concert. The second day is the day after the concert. The third day is the day after the concert. The fourth day is the day after the concert. It is similar to the last day. If you like the music that I do, the last day, then it is the second day, and if you like the music that I do, then it is very similar to the practice of the concert. I want to do that and I will do it in a good time at the beginning.

Speaker 1:

But the fifth day, the fact that this evening in June is a Марquardt and the training we don't know what the difference is between the two it's always the trees, the heavy trees. Are people like that the only extra? They're all the only extra. You know, during the beginning of the week the sport is all more in and out, so it's the shift is in the middle of the week and the middle of the day when we're in the trees and there's a little bit of a difference in the shift. Okay, wow, that's not too much. There's always a lot of extra people who are in the middle of the day and there's a team around the gym. He's a Russian athlete there's.

Speaker 1:

You want to get used to it, you want to be patient, you want to know if people who are in the week, if you're open, open, open, open and so on, it's like a chaos team, the team around the gym. They're open, they're open to the sport, they're open to the sport. So we're thinking we're most of Northeastern around the gym, just in our east. We're thinking about showing that we're just the only ones who are in the sport, who are in the sport. They'll come in, they'll come in. They'll come in, they'll come in and not just the one who's in the summer. They'll come in much longer without any games and they'll come in in the I don't know the racer, the racer, the racer and the racer it was. It wasn't a big deal for me, it was so pink, a lot of people, but it's a great day. There are a lot of jumps, I think, and it's a lot more than just a group. I think it's a team for the next year. I think. What are we doing? We could be working with houses, we could be working with trees, we could be working with a three-story house where everything can be done, and we could be working with houses.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I am groaning over what I said before the relatives came home a few weeks ago. There was a fortification, life was on the alert and that I'm trying to go back to the house. In decoration, in windows, I had a freedom of speech, despite its name, and it simply went my way. And on the first day, the night, there is a strong smell that helps to get rid of the smell. And if there is a strong smell, then Michael's skin is more likely to be in the tree On the first day. There is a strong smell in the air, in the garden, in the air in the sun, in the air, in the wind and in the garden, if you can talk about the pain in the most recent events, we will know what the pain is like on the first day, and that is the whole year. At the same time. It is so. It is very different from the whole, from the spring, from the summer, it is so different from what I have seen. And then there is a sound that has been blown away and I can't take it anymore. And then the sound starts to get louder and louder. There is so much sound that is possible.

Speaker 1:

Okay, then we will talk about the 9th of July for the fourth season of the season. It is so much more than I thought that you can both listen to the first season of the season, but then it is also like listening to the first season of the season, and then you can listen to the fourth season of the season, and then there is the feeling of being out of the house, that it is evil that you have to listen to the first season of the season, but then there is not just a sound that is just yeah, today is the time for you to be in the bathroom, or maybe it is not like that. And then it is very different from the house. It is the recent season, or, yeah, it is also the Italian star, star-spider, recent season, the first season of the season. Okay, then it is the roots.

Speaker 1:

The 9th of May is the 7th of July, and March is the 7th of July, and okay, then it is the theme that I do with winter, the roots, the winter, the city. I think it is much more fun. I think it is a little bit different from the winter, the summer season, the winter, the summer season, the summer season, where you want more structures, more trees, something that is not necessarily the root of structures and trees, but I think it is very different from the summer season, where I do not know what is the difference between the trees, the trees, the roots, the roots. It is a long-term shift in winter, a long-term shift in the spring, when it is winter. March is the 7th of July. It is a little different from the focus of the autumn season. It is two different types of focus winter structures, trees, trees.

Speaker 1:

And what is winter? Winter for the others, winter for yourself, and then you can talk about what is coming home, what is not for you. It is just the other, and what is just the other, what is not right? It is the focus, and it can also be questions that come from the future. Is this something that is a little better? Is the root of the root always the root that is always growing? And what is the root that is growing? Is the root? That is the root of the root, or root or root or whatever? If I had a little bit of it, I would say ok, take a break. There are structures. There is no. I think there are structures that are not. There, are many that are not there, and this is something that is very wide. It is the root of the root, and now both the root and the root are coming. I have a very, very root and then I can say that the root is the root of the root and I think it is a little wider. The next room is a little wider for the root. Okay, root.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking at the email in the fifth house for the root, but the theme for the root is the root of the root and when I look at it, it doesn't seem to be a good idea. It doesn't seem to be something that is more in the life. It's not about the root, it's about the root. It's about the root that is growing. It's about the root that is growing. They try to make their own goal and try to achieve something by expressing what they hope for, what they should do it on purpose. Let them spend some of their lives there is no idea which is the зап, which is what makes the main reason and interact with Leonie, and in the fourth house, she has to be able to do the right thing.

Speaker 1:

In the fourth house it's like you can't be in a place like that. You can't go home, you can't go home. You can't go home. You can't go home. You can't go home, you can't go home. But now I don't know why I'm doing this right thing. I'm just pressing on you and it's like a lighter. But it's like the other way around. You can't go home, you can't go home. It's just over. It's the words you're saying and Jupiter is the answer. Jupiter is something that's born from your soul, from your soul after your soul, and you can look at what you're doing. You can look at what your soul is doing and what Jupiter does now and maybe in a few hours, is that when the woman does it and Jupiter is born from your soul, then you have a life-changing relationship with someone who's next? Then you're always more excited about letting all your life-changing relationships that you're having come into play. But I'm not as excited about it. I'm not as excited about it as I'm excited about it. I'm not as excited about it as I'm excited about the time. Jupiter is a new thing in the world that I see and it's the focus of the universe, the universe, the world of the stars, and what's so close to you, what's so, it's the essence of your life, what's so strong and strong and what's so close to you, what's so strong and strong. And you just have to stop and stop and stop and stop thinking about yourself and what's so strong and that's the essence of the universe, what's so strong and strong and what's so strong and strong. And now you're just, I think, of the vibe that� you have all day, or the feeling that you have built your soul, the proper management of your soul, and how beastly is the understanding you always have as someone.

Speaker 1:

The plant is very small and has been retrograde. All the plants are very small. The plants are very small and have been retrograde. The plant is very small. The plant is very small in size. It is larger than the plant type. It is bigger than the plant size. It is very small plants. The plants are very tiny, being rythmal. It has a little hole in its design. The plants are ready mateix än I os I fjord Ahasnynenen. They are very much ready to minot面. Their color is light and lively and there seems to be井 Bread's.

Speaker 1:

There is lìlke det video. Meg lá fram kole il буд hæmriallne וה bjø. Autor værthoir haai broadcasting heir 我 prá hai due to theirphones on their door and around them. So I would like to write a short excerpt for all the people to learn this or from, but not theуется and to create for the people. This might not be the way to do it, but particularly the people in theressive sense of havingio fun. The arm piece and this acting must have been related to the ecological and social issue. Talk and communication between women and people's families can be an example. We all need detISH language to understand what online and all kinds of things like the focus on the society.

Speaker 1:

It's the body that is often sometimes so low-key, you can't go. What is my society? Can it be more open? Can I live with what I have to say? What is the effect of stopping my society? Can I open myself? Can I not open myself? The society is more open and more peaceful. What is my order, what is my thinking and my vision? And that's what I want to do.

Speaker 1:

It's MODANED the body is laid on the planet and it's beautifully heavy. It's newly écstatically heavy and it has a lot of dust on the shell compared to a strong corkish layer on the core. It's better done byter Worries and all that has to do. People are beseeching towards the Cola. Why is theler carrying the lakes in his arms? I've taught competitive, but I think unionruction is a throughout the space, possessing the same status as nursing homes, to stop living and to restore the bottle that is next to the Bowman Walk, abiding here by saving the city. There are major issues and problems, but there's big things to do. And本当s I want to address at today's video and I'm helpless.

Speaker 1:

The money is enough and I and the lion here in Venice are the main characters in the lion. Venice is the main character, unlike the recent lion or even the soul in the lion. The soul is the main character. The soul is the main character in the lion. The lion is similar to the Venice character, but it's different. The lion is more like a deep part of the money. It's like being a big lion that will come to life. It's like all your dreams, all, all your dreams. It's like a lion that's singing and making mistakes in the way that the society is doing. And with the lion, you can see the new lion in the outer house and you can see what's happening in the area, in the area in the living room, and you can see the lion in the room. In the new lion, you can see the first house and you can see that it's very heavy.

Speaker 1:

In the first house, the focus is on what's going on in the room. It's like you're at home. You're in the middle of the night. In the middle of the night, there are many different things. What can you do next? What can you do next? I always do. I'm not sure if I can just get up, but I really can't get up in the morning. I can't see the big society. And now I'm in the middle of the night. In the first house, the focus is on what's going on. What can I do next? What can I do in the morning? The focus is on myself.

Speaker 1:

I'm the most recent male I've ever seen. I live in a forest. What can I do next? What can I do at home? It's like the type of peeling that's in my nose and I can't do anything else. I'm the most recent male I've ever seen. I've seen the plant and I've seen the plant and I've seen the plant. I'm the most recent male I've ever seen. I've seen a few times when I see the plant and I see the plant and and there are additional things. Some parts have often lost, even some.

Speaker 1:

The song case wasalam heated in a manner that it's многattal shade that came with, like anything that might be attacking or really surprising. Which is a very important thing is that, with the soul in mind and one thing that is not planned in mind she is new to being a writer. She is like this friend's writer. She has been a writer for years now and has been a writer in the language. Now the writer in the language now has something to do with what is being written and is to be a writer, to be at home and to be aware of the problems, and friends are around the plant in their own house and that is always so exciting.

Speaker 1:

It is very important to be aware of what is being written and what is being written in my mind. So what is being written and what is being written. It is never just about what is being written, and I forget it when I say it, but the writer in the language now has something to do with what is being written, and this is the day when something is being written and you are waking up to the life you are doing. You are doing it, you are worth it and this is the moment when you are able to realize the reality, the present, the present, and this is the moment when you are the day when you are able to come home. You are dreaming, and the day when you are able to dream, you are with me and with the dream. And I am telling you, the dream is the dream house, the dream guitarist in the dream house, friends, when you are writing in the dream house, you are dreaming about what is being done and what is being done to make you better.

Speaker 1:

This is the sixth theme in the fourth and seventh century and the question is the ninth century is the eighth house in the world? And, as I was saying, the eighth house is the dream house. It is a society, a society, a society where you can dream. You can dream about the rest. It is a ninth house in the eighth house in the world. It is called the dream house, and this is the first time in a long time that I have just heard something like this. What is happening? What is happening in society? What is the society around you? What are the support you are making? What is the support you are making from friends and people around you? Are there any questions that are not the way to my friends and people? What is the way to society? What is the way to be in society? What is the theme that is coming up?

Speaker 1:

The blue house is in the third house, which is in the fourth and fifth century. The third house is just like the sports car. It usually doesn't go along the road and doesn't go through the road. The blue house is in the third house, which is in the ninth house, in the eighth house. It is a strong theme around the sound and the sound that is coming up, but it is also a great help. It is a great help to your friends and to your friends as well. And the 12th house is the same. It is the same element. Okay, both of you.

Speaker 1:

The ninth house the ninth house is in the tenth house.

Speaker 1:

It is a big house. It is in the tenth house. It focuses on the future. It is very different after you have a friend. You are a friend of yourself and you are a long friend of yourself. It is this team that is a strong man. It is a lot of work. It is a lot of work. It is a dream. It is a dream of a family. It is a dream of friends. It is a long time to be together. It is a success and down a bit and you have a lot of fun. Okay, I do this and this and this, I do this and this, I do this. And this big moment when you start to math, it is like using effects. It tells you all about your experience with your trees. Its really interesting that you meet with your friends and you oppose each other.

Speaker 1:

Scepula and aga Seta hos I lakər a mor mutin. I rö đu 緊 zitka dur bú I te l kwalit кор structure da stediga og bith tel aga draice Dear. She really is lakass. I arlevi udah wedge. So I will tell you about the issuing photo. Sten Monst uez tra schiava I have sent Haustון Dú Hahah die in the educating school. Maybe I'm being named, maybe it's very different, maybe I'm just going to work and be happy to play along, just regPPed school or at home and enjoy this various.

Speaker 1:

It's about the name, the gender, the gender and the gender. It's about what to say, what to do, what to do. What to do, what people think about their own existence, what they can learn, what to learn so that people can understand what is actually what to do. Vaspiri is a new country in 18th century and it is. It is also 18th century. It is a country with a lot of people. It is all kinds of people who are people with a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

What is that I say in Vaspiri? What kind of people are always going to be better than anyone else? It is not common, it is not justelet. Someone is lying, lying as if lying is something embarrassing. That is actually a boy更aholing. Do not talk about the like and everything, but be sure to let researches bekyone before tea at home underneath all the way up to theLa.

Speaker 1:

We seem either difficulties being able to make friends with you, but what is my name, with which I do things long thuses? Ok, oh, I was just Os Hyun. My fourth dog said that other dog loves the same Net theme as other dog. I don't know. I think I'm about 8 or 9 years old. I don't know if I'm 18 years old or maybe 4 years old. I don't know if I'm at home or something. I don't know what the reason is, for example, that we're in a relationship, that we're both in a relationship and we're supposed to be friends in the relationship that's good to know in the relationship between us, I don't know. So the fish Fish I Fish 9 fish in 7 houses and this is half the amount of fish from your family. The fish and the meat and the fish the 9 fish in the meat is always half the amount of fish after the family's marriage In 7 houses.

Speaker 1:

There's the most common, the most common thing. That is, when people are talking to each other, people who are talking to each other, but the next person who's named after each other is the person who is talking to each other. Who is the winner? That's the person who is always talking to each other and the person who is talking to each other. I think that's the way people are. In a single team, people are focused on making changes, changing things Every time. They're not the same, they're different. They're in a single team. They're not the same, they're not the same, they're not the same. I think that's the new beginning of that. If you're not the same, you're not the same. That's possible, always possible, whatever. I'm always with you in 7 houses. I always make new fish with the people who are always talking to each other. Hello, the people who are always talking to each other. They're writing. They're writing a lot.

Speaker 1:

It's always like when you're 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 25,. You know, when you're 20, you're 20, you're coming out of the water, you're in the blue when you're 20, but then you're fishing. I've been in this team for a long time and it's the sole of Neptune's son and it's always like a blarry and a scream to be a little longer. I hope you're all right. Neptune's family is in 7 houses and it's not always like that. It's always a bit of a mess and it's always a lot of noise Because Neptune's with us and it's like that. But it's not always like that. It's not like the team that's supposed to be. Like a mess, that's not focused. It's not like the team that's winning. That's not going to be like the team that's going to be focused on. But Jupiter is in 3rd place after the meeting. The focus for the fish is always on the name on the team, on the team and the meeting, but it's always like that. I think it's a bit of a mess.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to do this often. I'm always like this what's the new challenge? I'm always like this, I'm always like this. But yeah, I just want to thank you who sent me this message. I'm very happy, I'm very excited and I want to thank you for being here, and after that, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being here and after that, I want to thank you for being here on Facebook and for not taking the challenge to get to the point. I'm not going to put it like that. I want to thank you for the question, the burning question. I want to thank you for that and the challenge to get to the point. Thank you all for being here today and if you want to see and watch more, come to Instagram, facebook and say hi and come in one hour. Welcome to my one hour. Okay, bless, bless.